Warc, 29 August 2014
WASHINGTON DC: Politicians across the US are increasingly
turning to online advertising to get their message across, including the use of
gaming platforms and streaming radio to reach a younger demographic.
Online political spending has already grown at a four-figure
rate over the past four years and will reach an estimated $270m during the
current midterm election campaign. By 2016, that figure could top $1bn,
overtaking newspapers, direct mail and telemarketing, according to figures from
research firm Borrell Associates quoted in Politico.
President Obama was famously ahead of the curve on digital
electioneering, recruiting technologists and digital analysts to his 2012
campaign and making effective use of social media and email marketing to
encourage action and solicit donations.
Two years later, candidates for the midterm elections are
following suit and Borrell Associates anticipates a "digital
juggernaut" in forthcoming election cycles. Strategists from the two main
parties indicate that up to 20% of campaign budgets could be allocated to
digital in 2014.
"There's no exact figure," said Brandon Hall,
partner at political media firm Kully Hall. "It's just assessing the
market and looking at what can be done."
Television would continue to have the biggest impact on
voters, he said, but "the digital piece has to be a part of it, it has to
be a layered approach".
Amanda Bloom, a consultant at campaign specialist BASK
Digital Media, was blunter, telling a recent conference: "If you're trying
to hit males 18 to 34, you probably want to be all digital."
Examples of how this might be done came from Florida, where
the incumbent governor has run ads on the Xbox gaming platform, and from
Georgia, where one candidate ran ads on online radio station Pandora.
But, as Wesley Donehue of campaign consultancy Push Digital
noted, the needs of individual campaigns are dictated by the target audience –
ads on Pandora might work in Georgia, he said, but in Arkansas traditional
radio ads were a better bet.
Whatever the local preferences, digital is now firmly
established as a player in the political world, as evidenced by the TV
commercials which regularly draw the attention of viewers to a campaign's
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube pages.
"If you were asking me what's the single biggest change
in advertising content in the political ads we see in 2012 and now, that's
it," said Elizabeth Wilner, head of political campaigner tracker Kantar
Media CMAG.
Data sourced from Politico, Mashable; additional content by
Warc staff
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