Warc, 29 August 2014
PARIS: French consumers tend to favour domestic websites,
with international names challenging for a top spot only in categories such as
travel and tourism and, to a lesser extent, clothing.
Harris Interactive analysed responses from a representative
sample of more than 40,000 people aged over 15 to compile lists of the top ten
websites in nine categories, from clothing to high-tech.
While travel-sncf.com remained the preferred site of French
internet users for travel and tourism, being chosen by 8.5%, Harris noted that
its leading position was being challenged by Dutch portal booking.com, which
had gained 1.3 points to a 7.7% share since the previous iteration of this
research in spring 2013, and by US site tripadvisor.fr (+1.6 points to 6.3%).
In the film category, allocine.fr was the runaway leader,
gaining 64.7% of regular visitors to movie sites. A long way behind in second
spot was ugc.fr with 3.4%, while third place was shared between
cinemasgaumontpathe.com and imdb.com, both on 2.7%.
Clear leaders also emerged in most other categories
considered, with a significant gap evident in health and fitness, where the
leader, cooking site marmiton.org, had a 50.4% share, well ahead of the next
two, 750g.com on 7.1%, and cuisineaz.com on 6.6%.
In the outings and leisure category, allocine.fr kept the
top spot with a 30.3% share, although this was 6 points down on 2012, followed
by ticketing site fnacspectacles.com on 6.0% and restaurant guide
lafourchette.com on 4.9%.
In TV, the site of listings magazine Tele-Loisirs had
increased its share by eight points since spring 2012 to 27%. Then came
canalplus.fr (6.7%) and télé 7 jours (5.5%).
High-tech showed a similar pattern, with 01net.com taking a
27.2% share, before commentcamarche.net on 8.6% and lesnumeriques.com moving
into third place on 7.2%.
Vente-privee.com lead the way in clothing and footwear on
10.5%, but was being challenged by UK-based site asos.fr, whose share had leapt
almost four points to 7.5% displacing laredoute.fr, now in third place on 7.2%.
The female category was led by aufeminin.com on 24.3%,
followed by doctissimo.fr on 11.5% and femmeactuelle.fr on 9.3%. This category
had some crossover with 'people' where voici.fr was the leading site (13.1%),
just ahead of public.fr (12.0%) and purepeople.com (8.7%).
Data sourced from Harris Interactive; additional content by
Warc staff
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