Warc, 13 February 2013
SYDNEY: Australian consumers are increasingly switching
their allegiance away from home-grown brands to international ones, according
to a new report.
This development is especially marked in the higher income
segment and younger age groups, says the '2013 Consumer Loyalty Study' from
Epsilon, the marketing services firm.
The company interviewed 408 people during the third quarter
of 2012 as it examined attitudes to companies in the clothing, grocery,
financial services and travel sectors.
Part of the reason for this trend is the strength of the
Australian dollar which has enhanced consumers' buying power when it comes to
overseas-produced goods, as well as the recent expansion into Australia of
international retail brands such as Zara and Top Shop.
About one-third of respondents reported being extremely or
very loyal to the companies they use most often, with the highest loyalty
levels felt towards grocery and financial services brands, both recording a
figure of 44%.
At the same time, another 30% said they were prepared to
ditch their favourite brands if they had any negative experiences such as
incorrect billing or difficult refund policies.
"The definition of consumer loyalty is constantly
changing, especially in such a dynamic market," said Michael Kustreba,
vice president of client services, Asia Pacific, Epsilon.
"Brands must attune to consumer feedback in order to be
successful in the Australian retail market," he added.
The lowest levels of loyalty were recorded in the clothing
and travel sectors, at 27% and 28% respectively, perhaps because these two are
fragmented, with a wide range of brands to choose from.
That said, loyalty levels in the clothing sector increased
sharply in 2012, rising from 16%, a trend likely to continue as the retail
clothing sector undergoes a period of profound change.
Data sourced from Marketing/Epsilon; additional content by
Warc staff
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