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Tuesday 9 July 2013

Culture and design: National and postmodern design

Culture influences design in many ways. It commands how societies view different objects, colours, and features in products. For example it may be a taboo for some societies to wear colour black and others colour red. Some communities though may embrace colours and to them multicolouring be symbol of their diverse culture.  Societies also express their values through clothing.  Revealing cloths were traditional considers inappropriate and vulgar. Cloths that do not expose much were considered to be okay and appropriate in the societies.

In the traditional societies there is the influence of uniformity when it comes to dressing. This is so because many cultures would want to retain their identity. For example the Scottish’s have retain their identity over cultures although there have been effort to assimilate them to the greater English community they have remain adamant. In the contemporary world compliance is a result of the main view, for example dark suit are viewed to be the official suits in the US and Europe. While the national colour attire of Egypt is mainly white and that of China is multicoloured.

National symbols and religious symbols also affect design for example the image of Buddha is designed with colurs without variation. This applies also to royal regalia, official dresses for some selected officers and other national symbols. Culture aspect shows how dynamic a society is, for example a conservative society will tend to hold its traditional attires. Countries which Islam is the dominant religion are considered to be conservative while western countries embraces innovative design which is modern.

Roles played by certain members in the society also affected design and fashion. Gender also played great role in culture and design for example in most society’s women dressing was very conservative.  They were supposed to wear clothes that hide most parts of their body. This was being dictated by their male counterparts who were the sole bread earners hence have control on their women. This has changed so far because women are also bread earners too hence have control on themselves.

National dresses show the cultural heritage of a region or countries. It makes people to identify themselves with their countries or region. Some may have a uniform national dress while others may have a scattered one and others none at all.  For example the English people have no uniformed national dress while the Scottish people have.

Cultures and trends on dressing are changing fast in the modern world.   People are able to access different views about designs and fashion from the world over. A change has been witnessed in the mode of dressing today and how people view design. Women are now moving from skirts and dresses only to trouser with the emphasis of not reviling most of their body parts put to consideration. Though critics have argued that societies are borrowing much from others and forgetting their own this is not so because mostly only the positive aspects are adapted and integrated.

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