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Monday, 11 August 2014

Affluent Europeans adopt multi-devices

Warc, 16 June 2014
AMSTERDAM: Close to one-third (28%) of wealthy Europeans now own all three key devices – a smartphone, a tablet and a PC/laptop – a survey of more than 28,000 Europeans across 21 countries has established.

These findings in the latest European Media and Marketing Survey (EMS) from research firm Ipsos confirmed that ownership of multiple devices among Europe's richest 13% of population has more than tripled from the 8% reported in 2012.

Individual smartphone ownership for this group now stands at 70%, up from 62% last year and 44% in 2012, while tablet ownership has grown to 35% compared with 21% in 2013 and 11% in the previous year.

Laptop/PC ownership remains at the 92% recorded last year, slightly down from 94% in 2012.

Turkey emerged as the European nation where affluent people are most likely to own a smartphone – 84% own this device, while 37% of Turkish people own all three main devices. The Dutch have the highest proportion of tablet-owners, at 54%.

Nathalie Sodeike, managing director of Ipsos MediaCT in the Netherlands, said that while print and TV still makes up a large proportion of media consumption, the survey showed affluent consumers are leading the way for digital adoption.

"Every year we see digital technology play a larger and larger role in the media consumption of Europe's affluent population," she said.

Just under a third of affluent Europeans (27%) read international publications to keep themselves informed, the report found, while 58% access media via digital devices.

More than four-fifths (82%) watch international TV channels on a monthly basis, 63% doing so for news and business while 76% do so for entertainment and general coverage.

The importance of social media sites for affluent Europeans also emerged in the study – a full 43% say they check them several times a day, while almost three-quarters visited Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or Twitter in the previous month.

Data sourced from Ipsos; additional content by Warc staff

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