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Saturday 15 March 2014

strategic management: a model for the organisation in its environment

(a)        The five forces Model (Porter, 1980):

q  Rivalry among existing firms,
q  Bargaining power of buyers,

q  Bargaining power of suppliers,
q  Threat of new entrants,

q  Threat of new entrants,
q  Threat of substitute products or services.

             Refresh your memory by looking at CIMA: Management Accounting : official Terminology 2005.

             (b)     PEST analysis:
q  Political/legal influences,
q  Economic Environment and influences,

q  Social and demographic pattern and values,

q  Technological forces.

Model of the Business environment

Although PEST analysis is the ‘industry standard’ for macro-environmental analysis some writers prefer the greater detail provided by a PESTEL analysis. This separates legal from political and specifies ecological separately, for example.

q    Taxation policy,
q    Foreign trade regulations,
q    Government stability.

Economic factors:
q    Business cycles; GNP trends, interest rates;
q    Inflation; unemployment disposable income.

             Socio-cultural factors:
q   Demographics,
q   Income distribution,
q   Lifestyle changes, Attitudes to work and leisure;
q   Consumerism.

             Technological factors:
q    Government spending on research,
q    New discoveries/development,
q    Rates of obsolescence.

             Ecological factors:
q    Protection laws,
q    Energy consumption issues,
q    Waste disposal

             Legal factors:
q    Monopolies legislation,
q    Employment law, product safety, etc.

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